I can't believe that it has been a year already since I first started at this job. I am presently working at Nuga Best Greenhills Branch. It is a Korean company that offers free treatment/use of our Thermo-Acupressure Therapy machine.
As I clearly remember, the reason I applied for this job was to prove myself to my Pineapple. I was very apprehensive to even apply for this job because they said it's "demo sales". And the image that popped into my mind were those people at malls
(SM) using those loud mics and doing demonstrations
(and sometimes just talking to him/herself). And I don't want to do those kinds of things. But still I sent my resume. And luckily, I was one of the pioneers of this company. Now...it's been a year. My very first job! We literally have started this company from scratch. we were the ones who assembled all the machines being used by our clients. It was trial and error when it comes to the rules and regulations for our clients...still is.

The anniversary party was a sucess. Although some were so

"hungry", i think. That they were sneaky enough to get many food stubs. Some clients got hungry waiting for their turn. The program was nice...some awards were given, some got carried away and got weepy, and ofcourse I am sure everyone had fun. Some sang, some dances...the staffs also

danced. I gave a presntation about the beginning until now. It was an overall sucess. And we gave away t-shirts.
Nuga Best here in the Philippines will not have gotten

this much clients if it wasn't for us "pioneers" giving away flyers at the nearby Greenhills Shopping Center. Branches have opened, owners & management have changed, co-worker's

have come and go but I am still here. I am currently looking for a temporary job while I am waiting for our visa petition to be approved. But I know that because of working here...I have gained and learned so much. I love the elderly people we give free service to. That is why I am thinking of maybe taking up a teaching course or maybe go into elderly care profession when I am finally with my Pineapple King.