Thursday, December 28, 2006

Our First Christmas Together

2006 is our very first Christmas that we have spent together. We had started with our Christmas shopping early December but we still made a last minute gift shopping a couple of days before Christmas. We have bought fuzzy slipper & a book for mom. We bought dad a DVD of The Da Vinci Code & also bought him a Charger's t-shirt. We bought Dederia a Garth Brooks DVD Collection & a purple sweater. We got Ame the huge Jack Sparrow Doll, a Pirates of the Caribbean popcorn tin & a Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Skull. For Becca, we got her a boogie board, a popcorn tin & an Eragon DS game. We gave Amanda a popcorn tin also, a SD card for her digital camera & $10. Melanie got a lighter giving the finger & a DVD of Clerks 2. I gave my Pineapple a video camera bag & a DVD of The Office Season 2. Remember, I gave him the DVD of the season 1 of The Office. He loves that show a lot. But my intended gift for him was really the Dwight Shrutte bobblehead that I had asked my mother in law to order for me online. It was delivered on Dec.19th & when I checked it the head was broken. The neck was chipped off from the body. So it was a big disappointment. I had to call the company we ordered it from & they told me that they can deliver a replacement on February. So I told them to just charge back the money. They said I didn't have to send back the broken merchandise. So what did we do to it? Super glued it ofcourse! Now it's in my Pineapple's office desk. Ofcourse, Milo, the dog, & Jean, the cat, got their stocking stuffed also. Milo got a nice new bed.

Christmas Eve, my Pineapple gave me a stocking to hang also together with the girls. So Christmas morning I got to look for what Santa has brought me. Thanks to Santa (Santas actually coz there was more than one who gave me those.LOL!) I got make-up brushes, Starbucks & McDonald's gift cards, some candies & some other stuff. My Pineapple gave me lots of stuff. He got me 9 Ketchup Piknik, a fuzzy slipper, a watch, cellphone minutes, a Tinkerbelle coffee tumbler, a make-up kit but most of all his big gift was the MP3 player. He asked me a couple of days before Christmas about if I have to get 1 gift what would it be. I told him a sewing machine. He joked an d said that he better shop some more then. I did get my sewing machine though. My in-laws gave it to me. I also got other stuff from my in-laws & the girls.

Pineapple asked me what I wanted for my birthday, now that I got most of the stuff I wanted. LOL! The big pocket burning holiday is over. Next is February, where there is a lot of February celebrant in the family, plus his friend's birthday & also Valentine's Day. Another pocket burning month! HA HA HA!


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