Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday

Day after Thanksgiving Sale! Yes, I went and lined up at midnight just to be able to experience the rush & chaos of this big holiday sale. BUT! I did buy a couple of stuff at Walmart. I bought 2 DVD's. LOL! That is it. I endured the cold & sleeping on a foldable chair. Actually coming inside the store was very organized. Not like the ones I keep seeing on TV were people go running inside. OMG! But once we got inside, it went crazy. Carts bumping & it seemed like everyone was heading towards the electronics section. Doors opened at 4 a.m. & we were out of there at 6 a.m.

Let's go a day earlier. Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Ofcourse, there was turkey. They wanted me to incorporate a filipino dish into our dinner so I decided to make chicken hamonado since when I was still in the Philippines. All I can say is that it was a success. And I also cooked Java Rice.


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